This script can be invoked by typing wish testbench1.tcl
This script can be executed by the user by simply executing the file in a terminal.
Two issues
For those who are really interested in optimizing circuits: Some parameters are very important for quick and correct convergence. The optimizer walks step by step to a local minimum of the cost function you define. Starting from an initial vector you provide, it converges step by step. Consider trying another start vector if the result is not the one you expected.
The optimizer will carry on walking until it reaches a vector whose resulting cost is smaller than the target cost you provided. You must also provide a maximum iteration count in case the target can not be achieved. Balance time, specifications, and every other parameter. For a balance between quick and accurate convergence adjust the `factor' variable, at the beginning of minimumSteepestDescent in the file differentiate.tcl.
are important to point out:
- During optimization loop, graphical display of the current temperature response is not yet possible and I don't know why. Each time a simulation is performed, some memory is allocated for it.
- The simulation result remains in memory until the libspice library is unloaded (typically: when the tcl script ends) or when a spice::clean command is performed. In this kind of simulation, not cleaning the memory space will freeze your computer and you'll have to restart it. Be aware of that.