Example 1

The first examples is a LC band pass filter, where L and C device parameters will be changed 100 times. Each change is followed by an ac analysis. All graphs of output voltage versus frequency are plotted. The file is available in the distribution as /examples/Monte_Carlo/MonteCarlo.sp as well as from the CVS repository.

Monte-Carlo example 1

Perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice
V1 N001 0 AC 1 DC 0
R1 N002 N001 141
C1 OUT 0 1e-09
L1 OUT 0 10e-06
C2 N002 0 1e-09
L2 N002 0 10e-06
L3 N003 N002 40e-06
C3 OUT N003 250e-12
R2 0 OUT 141
  let mc_runs = 100
  let run = 1
  set curplot = new       $ create a new plot
  set scratch = $curplot  $ store its name to 'scratch'
  define unif(nom, var) (nom + nom*var * sunif(0))
  define aunif(nom, avar) (nom + avar * sunif(0))
  define gauss(nom, var, sig) (nom + nom*var/sig * sgauss(0))
  define agauss(nom, avar, sig) (nom + avar/sig * sgauss(0))
  dowhile run <= mc_runs
*   alter c1 = unif(1e-09, 0.1)
*   alter l1 = aunif(10e-06, 2e-06)
*   alter c2 = aunif(1e-09, 100e-12)
*   alter l2 = unif(10e-06, 0.2)
*   alter l3 = aunif(40e-06, 8e-06)
*   alter c3 = unif(250e-12, 0.15)
    alter c1 = gauss(1e-09, 0.1, 3)
    alter l1 = agauss(10e-06, 2e-06, 3)
    alter c2 = agauss(1e-09, 100e-12, 3)
    alter l2 = gauss(10e-06, 0.2, 3)
    alter l3 = agauss(40e-06, 8e-06, 3)
    alter c3 = gauss(250e-12, 0.15, 3)
    ac oct 100 250K 10Meg
    set run ="$&run"     $ create a variable from the vector
    set dt = $curplot    $ store the current plot to dt
    setplot $scratch     $ make 'scratch' the active plot
* store the output vector to plot 'scratch'
    let vout{$run}={$dt}.v(out) 
    setplot $dt          $ go back to the previous plot
    let run = run + 1 
  plot db({$scratch}.all)
