User defined configuration file .spiceinit
In addition to spinit you may define a (personal) file .spiceinit and put it into the current directory or in your home directory. The typical search sequence for .spiceinit is: current directory, HOME (Linux) and then USERPROFILE (Windows). USERPROFILE is typically C:\Users\<User name>. This file will be read in and executed after spinit, but before any other input file is read. It may contain further scripts, set variables, or issue commands from Chapt.17.5 to override commands given in spinit. For example set filetype=ascii will yield ASCII output in the output data file (rawfile), instead of the compact binary format that is used by default. set ngdebug will yield a lot of additional debug output. Any other contents of the script, e.g. plotting preferences, may be included here also. If the command line option -n is used upon ngspice start up, this file will be ignored.
.spiceinit may contain:
* User defined ngspice init file
set filetype=ascii
*set ngdebug
set numthreads = 8
*set outputpath=C:\Spice64\out