Ngspice control via input, output fifos
The following bash script (under Linux)
- launches ngspice in another thread.
- writes some commands in ngspice input
- reads the output and prints them on the console.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm input.fifo
rm output.fifo
mkfifo input.fifo
mkfifo output.fifo
$NGSPICE_COMMAND -p -i <input.fifo >output.fifo &
exec 3>input.fifo
echo "I can write to input.fifo"
echo "Start processing..."
echo ""
echo "source circuit.cir" >&3
echo "unset askquit" >&3
echo "set nobreak" >&3
echo "tran 0.01ms 0.1ms">&3
echo "print n0" >&3
echo "quit" >&3
echo "Try to open output.fifo ..."
exec 4<output.fifo
echo "I can read from output.fifo"
echo "Ready to read..."
while read output
echo $output
done <&4
exec 3>&-
exec 4>&-
echo "End processing"
The input file for SPICE is:
* Circuit.cir
V1 n0 0 SIN(0 10 1kHz)
C1 n1 n0 3.3nF
R1 0 n1 1k