LTSPICE Compatibility mode
If the variable (17.7) ngbehavior is set to 'lt' or 'lta' with the commands
set ngbehavior=lt
set ngbehavior=lta
in spinit or .spiceinit, ngspice will translate all files that have been read into ngspice netlist by the .include command (lt) or the complete netlist (lta) from LTSPICE syntax to ngspice. This feature allows reading of LTSPICE compatible device libraries or complete netlists.
Currently we offer only a subset of the documented or undocumented functions (uplim, dnlim, uplim_tanh, dnlim_tanh). More user input is definitely required here!
This compatibility mode also adds a simple diode using the sidiode code model (chapt. 12.2.29). The diode model
d1 a k ds1
.model ds1 d(Roff=1000 Ron=0.7 Rrev=0.2 Vfwd=1
+ Vrev=10 Revepsilon=0.2 Epsilon=0.2 Ilimit=7 Revilimit=15)
is translated automatically to the equivalent code model diode
ad1 a k ads1
.model ads1 sidiode(Roff=1000 Ron=0.7 Rrev=0.2 Vfwd=1
+ Vrev=10 Revepsilon=0.2 Epsilon=0.2 Ilimit=7 Revilimit=15)