E voltage source, G current source
General form:
EXXXX N+ N- POLY(ND) NC1+ NC1- (NC2+ NC2-...) P0 (P1...)
ENONLIN 100 101 POLY(2) 3 0 4 0 0.0 13.6 0.2 0.005
POLY(ND) Specifies the number of dimensions of the polynomial. The number of pairs of controlling nodes must be equal to the number of dimensions.
(N+) and (N-) nodes are output nodes. Positive current flows from the (+) node through the source to the (-) node.
The <NC1+> and <NC1-> are in pairs and define a set of controlling voltages. A particular node can appear more than once, and the output and controlling nodes need not be different.
The example yields a voltage output controlled by two input voltages v(3,0) and v(4,0). Four polynomial coefficients are given. The equivalent function to generate the output is:
0 + 13.6 * v(3) + 0.2 * v(4) + 0.005 * v(3) * v(3)
Generally you will set the equation according to
POLY(1) y = p0 + p1*X1 + p2*X1*X1 + p3*X1*X1*X1 + ...
POLY(2) y = p0 + p1*X1 + p2*X2 +
+ p3*X1*X1 + p4*X2*X1 + p5*X2*X2 +
+ p6*X1*X1*X1 + p7*X2*X1*X1 + p8*X2*X2*X1 +
+ p9*X2*X2*X2 + ...
POLY(3) y = p0 + p1*X1 + p2*X2 + p3*X3 +
+ p4*X1*X1 + p5*X2*X1 + p6*X3*X1 +
+ p7*X2*X2 + p8*X2*X3 + p9*X3*X3 + ...
where X1 is the voltage difference of the first input node pair, X2 of the second pair and so on. Keeping track of all polynomial coefficient is rather tedious for large polynomials.