Data may be entered from the listings of a data table similar to the pwl B-Source (5.1.4). Data are grouped into x, y pairs. Expression may be an equation or an expression containing node voltages or branch currents (in the form of i(vm)) and any other terms as given for the B source and described in Chapt. 5.1. It may contain parameters (2.8.1). ' or { } may be used to delimit the function. Expression delivers the x-value, which is used to generate a corresponding y-value according to the tabulated value pairs, using linear interpolation. If the x-value is below x0 , y0 is returned, above x2 y2 is returned (limiting function). The value pairs have to be real numbers, parameters are not allowed.
Syntax for data entry from table:
Exxx n1 n2 TABLE {expression} = (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
Example (simple comparator):
ECMP 11 0 TABLE {V(10,9)} = (-5mV, 0V) (5mV, 5V)
An '=' sign may follow the keyword TABLE.