Syntax and usage
General form:
BXXXXXXX n+ n- <i=expr> <v=expr> <tc1=value> <tc2=value>
+ <temp=value> <dtemp=value>
B1 0 1 I=cos(v(1))+sin(v(2))
B2 0 1 V=ln(cos(log(v(1,2)^2)))-v(3)^4+v(2)^v(1)
B3 3 4 I=17
B4 3 4 V=exp(pi^i(vdd))
B5 2 0 V = V(1) < {Vlow} ? {Vlow} :
+ V(1) > {Vhigh} ? {Vhigh} : V(1)
n+ is the positive node, and n- is the negative node. The values of the V and I parameters determine the voltages and currents across and through the device, respectively. If I is given then the device is a current source, and if V is given the device is a voltage source. One and only one of these parameters must be given.
A simple model is implemented for temperature behavior by the formula:
[\begin{array}{ll} {I\left( T \right) = I\left( {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack} \right)\left( 1 + TC_{1}\left( {T - {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack}} \right) + TC_{2}\left( T - {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack})^{2} \right) \right.} & \ \end{array}]
[\begin{array}{ll} {V\left( T \right) = V\left( {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack} \right)\left( 1 + TC_{1}\left( {T - {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack}} \right) + TC_{2}\left( T - {\lbrack font\ rm\ \lbrack char\ T\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ N\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ O\ mathalpha\rbrack\lbrack char\ M\ mathalpha\rbrack\rbrack})^{2} \right) \right.} & \ \end{array}]
In the above formula, `(T)' represents the instance temperature, which can be explicitly set using the temp keyword or calculated using the circuit temperature and dtemp, if present. If both temp and dtemp are specified, the latter is ignored.
The small-signal AC behavior of the nonlinear source is a linear dependent source (or sources) with a proportionality constant equal to the derivative (or derivatives) of the source at the DC operating point. The expressions given for V and I may be any function of voltages and currents through voltage sources in the system.
The following functions of a single real variable are defined:
- Trigonometric functions:
cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan - Hyperbolic functions:
cosh, sinh, acosh, asinh, atanh - Exponential and logarithmic:
exp, ln, log, log10 (ln, log with base e, log10 with base 10) - Other:
abs, sqrt, u, u2, uramp, floor, ceil, i - Functions
of two variables are: min, max, pow, **, pwr, ^ - Functions
of three variables are: a ? b:c
The function `u' is the unit step function, with a value of one for arguments greater than zero and a value of zero for arguments less than zero. The function `u2' returns a value of zero for arguments less than zero, one for arguments greater than one and assumes the value of the argument between these limits. The function `uramp' is the integral of the unit step: for an input x, the value is zero if x is less than zero, or if x is greater than zero the value is x. These three functions are useful in synthesizing piece-wise non-linear functions, though convergence may be adversely affected.
The function i(xyz) returns the current through the first node of device instance xyz.
The following standard operators are defined: +, -, *, /, ^, unary -
Logical operators are !=, <>, >=, <=, ==, >, <, ||, &&, ! .
A ternary function is defined as a ? b : c , which means IF a, THEN b, ELSE c. Be sure to place a space in front of `?' to allow the parser distinguishing it from other tokens.
The B source functions pow, **, ^, and pwr need some special care. Avoiding undefined regions in x1, they differ from the common mathematical usage (and from the functions depicted in chapt. 2.8.5).
The functions y = pow(x1,x2), x1**x2, and x1^x2 , all of them describing (y = x1^{x2}), resolve to the following:
y = pow(fabs(x1), x2)
pow in the preceding line is the standard C math library function.
The function y = pwr(x1,x2) resolves to
if (x1 < 0.0)
y = (-pow(-x1, x2));
y = (pow(x1, x2));
pow here again is the standard C math library function.
Example: Ternary function
* B source test Clamped voltage source
* C. P. Basso "Switched-mode power supplies", New York, 2008
.param Vhigh = 4.6
.param Vlow = 0.4
Vin1 1 0 DC 0 PWL(0 0 1u 5)
Bcl 2 0 V = V(1) < Vlow ? Vlow : V(1) > Vhigh ? Vhigh : V(1)
unset askquit
tran 5n 1u
plot V(2) vs V(1)
If the argument of log, ln, or sqrt becomes less than zero, the absolute value of the argument is used. If a divisor becomes zero or the argument of log or ln becomes zero, an error will result. Other problems may occur when the argument for a function in a partial derivative enters a region where that function is undefined.
Parameters may be used like {Vlow} shown in the example above. Parameters will be evaluated upon set up of the circuit, vectors like V(1) will be evaluated during the simulation.
To get time into the expression you can integrate the current from a constant current source with a capacitor and use the resulting voltage (don't forget to set the initial voltage across the capacitor).
Non-linear resistors, capacitors, and inductors may be synthesized with the nonlinear dependent source. Nonlinear resistors, capacitors and inductors are implemented with their linear counterparts by a change of variables implemented with the nonlinear dependent source. The following subcircuit will implement a nonlinear capacitor:
Example: Non linear capacitor
.Subckt nlcap pos neg
* Bx: calculate f(input voltage)
Bx 1 0 v = f(v(pos,neg))
* Cx: linear capacitance
Cx 2 0 1
* Vx: Ammeter to measure current into the capacitor
Vx 2 1 DC 0Volts
* Drive the current through Cx back into the circuit
Fx pos neg Vx 1
Example for f(v(pos,neg)):
Bx 1 0 V = v(pos,neg)*v(pos,neg)
Non-linear resistors or inductors may be described in a similar manner. An example for a nonlinear resistor using this template is shown below.
Example: Non linear resistor
* use of 'hertz' variable in nonlinear resistor
*.param rbase=1k
* some tests
B1 1 0 V = hertz*v(33)
B2 2 0 V = v(33)*hertz
b3 3 0 V = 6.283e3/(hertz+6.283e3)*v(33)
V1 33 0 DC 0 AC 1
*** Translate R1 10 0 R='1k/sqrt(HERTZ)' to B source ***
.Subckt nlres pos neg rb=rbase
* Bx: calculate f(input voltage)
Bx 1 0 v = -1 / {rb} / sqrt(HERTZ) * v(pos, neg)
* Rx: linear resistance
Rx 2 0 1
Example: Non linear resistor (continued)
* Vx: Ammeter to measure current into the resistor
Vx 2 1 DC 0Volts
* Drive the current through Rx back into the circuit
Fx pos neg Vx 1
Xres 33 10 nlres rb=1k
*Rres 33 10 1k
Vres 10 0 DC 0
define check(a,b) vecmax(abs(a - b))
ac lin 10 100 1k
* some checks
print v(1) v(2) v(3)
if check(v(1), frequency) < 1e-12
echo "INFO: ok"
plot vres#branch