structs and types defined for transporting data
pvector_info is returned by the exported function ngGet_Vec_Info (see Addresses of the vector name, type, real or complex data are transferred and may be read asynchronously during or after the simulation.
typedef struct vector_info {
char *v_name; /* Same as so_vname */
int v_type; /* Same as so_vtype */
short v_flags; /* Flags (a combination of VF_*) */
double *v_realdata; /* Real data */
ngcomplex_t *v_compdata;/* Complex data */
int v_length; /* Length of the vector */
} vector_info, *pvector_info;
The next two structures are used by the callback function SendInitData (see Each time a new plot is generated during simulation, e.g. when a sequence of op, ac or tran is used, or commands like linearize or fft are invoked, the function is called once by ngspice. Among its parameters you find a pointer to a struct vecinfoall, which includes an array of vecinfo, one for each vector. Pointers to the struct dvec, containing the vector, are included.
typedef struct vecinfo
int number; /* number of vector, as position in the
linked list of vectors, starts with 0 */
char *vecname; /* name of the actual vector */
bool is_real; /* TRUE if the actual vector has real data */
void *pdvec; /* a void pointer to struct dvec *d, the
actual vector */
void *pdvecscale; /* a void pointer to struct dvec *ds,
the scale vector */
} vecinfo, *pvecinfo;
typedef struct vecinfoall
/* the plot */
char *name;
char *title;
char *date;
char *type;
int veccount;
/* the data as an array of vecinfo with
length equal to the number of vectors
in the plot */
pvecinfo *vecs;
} vecinfoall, *pvecinfoall;
The next two structures are used by the callback function SendData (see Each time a new data point (e.g. time value and simulation output value(s)) is added to the vector structure of the current plot, the function SendData is called by ngspice, among its parameters the actual pointer pvecvaluesall, which contains an array of pointers to pvecvalues, one for each vector.
typedef struct vecvalues {
char* name; /* name of a specific vector */
double creal; /* actual data value */
double cimag; /* actual data value */
bool is_scale; /* if 'name' is the scale vector */
bool is_complex; /* if the data are complex numbers */
} vecvalues, *pvecvalues;
Pointer vecvaluesall to be found as parameter to callback function SendData.
typedef struct vecvaluesall {
int veccount; /* number of vectors in plot */
int vecindex; /* index of actual set of vectors, i.e.
the number of accepted data points */
pvecvalues *vecsa; /* values of actual set of vectors,
indexed from 0 to veccount - 1 */
} vecvaluesall, *pvecvaluesall;