Loading a netlist

Basically the input to shared ngspice is the same as if you would start a ngspice batch job, e.g. you enter a netlist and the simulation command (any .dot analysis command like .tran, .op, or .dc etc. as found in Chapt. 15.3), as well as suitable options.

Typically you should not include a .control section in your input file. Any script described in a .control section for standard ngspice should better be emulated by the caller and be sent directly to ngspice.dll. Start the simulation according to Chapt. 19.4.2 in an extra thread.

As an alternative, only the netlist has to be entered (without analysis command), then you may use any interactive command as listed in Chapt. 17.5 (except for the plot command).

However, for users without direct access to source code commands (e.g. KiCad users), it might be advantageous to add a .control section to their netlist simulation dot commands. please be careful and check for chapter

The `typical usage' examples given below are part of a caller written in C.