Analog-to-Digital Node Bridge
C_Function_Name: cm_adc_bridge
Spice_Model_Name: adc_bridge
Description: "analog-to-digital node bridge"
Port Name: in out
Description: "input" "output"
Direction: in out
Default_Type: v d
Allowed_Types: [v,vd,i,id,d] [d]
Vector: yes yes
Vector_Bounds: - -
Null_Allowed: no no
Parameter_Name: in_low
Description: "maximum 0-valued analog input"
Data_Type: real
Default_Value: 1.0
Limits: -
Vector: no
Vector_Bounds: -
Null_Allowed: yes
Parameter_Name: in_high
Description: "minimum 1-valued analog input"
Data_Type: real
Default_Value: 2.0
Limits: -
Vector: no
Vector_Bounds: -
Null_Allowed: yes
Parameter_Name: rise_delay fall_delay
Description: "rise delay" "fall delay"
Data_Type: real real
Default_Value: 1.0e-9 1.0e-9
Limits: [1.0e-12 -] [1.0e-12 -]
Vector: no no
Vector_Bounds: - -
Null_Allowed: yes yes
- Description:
The adc_bridge is one of two node bridge devices designed to allow for the ready transfer of analog information to digital values and back again. The second device is the dac_bridge (which takes a digital value and maps it to an analog one). The adc_bridge takes as input an analog value from an analog node. This value by definition may be in the form of a voltage, or a current. If the input value is less than or equal to in_low, then a digital output value of `0' is generated. If the input is greater than or equal to in_high, a digital output value of `1' is generated. If neither of these is true, then a digital `UNKNOWN' value is output. Note that unlike the case of the dac_bridge, no ramping time or delay is associated with the adc_bridge. Rather, the continuous ramping of the input value provides for any associated delays in the digitized signal.
Example SPICE Usage:
abridge2 [1] [8] adc_buff
.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.3 in_high = 3.5)