Frequency Divider


C_Function_Name: cm_d_fdiv

Spice_Model_Name: d_fdiv

Description: "digital frequency divider"


Port Name: freq_in freq_out

Description: "frequency input" "frequency output"

Direction: in out

Default_Type: d d

Allowed_Types: [d] [d]

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: no no


Parameter_Name: div_factor high_cycles

Description: "divide factor" "# of cycles for high out"

Data_Type: int int

Default_Value: 2 1

Limits: [1 -] [1 div_factor-1]

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: i_count

Description: "divider initial count value"

Data_Type: int

Default_Value: 0

Limits: -

Vector: no

Vector_Bounds: -

Null_Allowed: yes


Parameter_Name: rise_delay fall_delay

Description: "rise delay" "fall delay"

Data_Type: real real

Default_Value: 1.0e-9 1.0e-9

Limits: [1.0e-12 -] [1.0e-12 -]

Vector: yes yes

Vector_Bounds: in in

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: freq_in_load

Description: "freq_in load value (F)"

Data_Type: real

Default_Value: 1.0e-12

Limits: -

Vector: no

Vector_Bounds: -

Null_Allowed: yes

  • Description:
    The digital frequency divider is a programmable step-down divider that accepts an arbitrary divisor (div_factor), a duty-cycle term (high_cycles), and an initial count value (i_count). The generated output is synchronized to the rising edges of the input signal. Rise delay and fall delay on the outputs may also be specified independently.

Example SPICE Usage:

a4 3 7 divider

.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 5 high_cycles = 3

+ i_count = 4 rise_delay = 23e-9

+ fall_delay = 9e-9)