Zener Diode
C_Function_Name: cm_zener
Spice_Model_Name: zener
Description: "zener diode"
Port Name: z
Description: "zener"
Direction: inout
Default_Type: gd
Allowed_Types: [gd]
Vector: no
Vector_Bounds: -
Null_Allowed: no
Parameter_Name: v_breakdown i_breakdown
Description: "breakdown voltage" "breakdown current"
Data_Type: real real
Default_Value: - 2.0e-2
Limits: [1.0e-6 1.0e6] [1.0e-9 -]
Vector: no no
Vector_Bounds: - -
Null_Allowed: no yes
Parameter_Name: i_sat n_forward
Description: "saturation current" "forward emission coefficient"
Data_Type: real real
Default_Value: 1.0e-12 1.0
Limits: [1.0e-15 -] [0.1 10]
Vector: no no
Vector_Bounds: - -
Null_Allowed: yes yes
Parameter_Name: limit_switch
Description: "switch for on-board limiting (convergence aid)"
Data_Type: boolean
Default_Value: FALSE
Limits: -
Vector: no
Vector_Bounds: -
Null_Allowed: yes
Static_Var_Name: previous_voltage
Data_Type: pointer
Description: "iteration holding variable for limiting"
- Description:
The Zener Diode models the DC characteristics of most zeners. This model differs from the Diode/Rectifier by providing a user-defined dynamic resistance in the reverse breakdown region. The forward characteristic is defined by only a single point, since most data sheets for zener diodes do not give detailed characteristics in the forward region.
The first three parameters define the DC characteristics of the zener in the breakdown region and are usually explicitly given on the data sheet.
The saturation current refers to the relatively constant reverse current that is produced when the voltage across the zener is negative, but breakdown has not been reached. The reverse leakage current determines the slight increase in reverse current as the voltage across the zener becomes more negative. It is modeled as a resistance parallel to the zener with value v breakdown / i rev.
Note that the limit switch parameter engages an internal limiting function for the zener. This can, in some cases, prevent the simulator from converging to an unrealistic solution if the voltage across or current into the device is excessive. If use of this feature fails to yield acceptable results, the convlimit option should be tried (add the following statement to the SPICE input deck: .options convlimit)
Example SPICE Usage:
a9 3 4 vref10
.model vref10 zener(v_breakdown=10.0 i_breakdown=0.02
+ r_breakdown=1.0 i_rev=1e-6 i_sat=1e-12)