2D table model


C_Function_Name: cm_table2D

Spice_Model_Name: table2D

Description: "2D table model"


Port_Name: inx iny out

Description: "inputx" "inputy" "output"

Direction: in in out

Default_Type: v v i

Allowed_Types: [v,vd,i,id,vnam] [v,vd,i,id,vnam] [v,vd,i,id]

Vector: no no no

Vector_Bounds: - - -

Null_Allowed: no no no


Parameter_Name: order verbose

Description: "order" "verbose"

Data_Type: int int

Default_Value: 3 0

Limits: - -

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: offset gain

Description: "offset" "gain"

Data_Type: real real

Default_Value: 0.0 1.0

Limits: - -

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: file

Description: "file name"

Data_Type: string

Default_Value: "2D-table-model.txt"

Limits: -

Vector: no

Vector_Bounds: -

Null_Allowed: yes

  • Description:
    The 2D table model reads a matrix from file "file name" (default 2D-table-model.txt) which has x columns and y rows. Each x,y pair, addressed by inx and iny, yields an output value out. Linear interpolation is used for out, eno (essentially non oscillating) interpolation for its derivatives. Parameters offset (default 0) and gain (default 1) modify the output table values according to (offset + gain out). Parameter order (default 3) influences the calculation of the derivatives. Parameter verbose (default 0) yields test outputs, if set to 1 or 2. The table format is shown below. Be careful to include the data point inx = 0, iny = 0 into your table, because ngspice uses these during .OP computations. The x horizontal and y vertical address values have to increase monotonically.

Table Example:

* table source

* number of columns (x)


* number of rows (y)


* x horizontal (column) address values (real numbers)

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

* y vertical (row) address values (real numbers)

-0.6 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2

* table with output data (horizontally addressed by x, vertically by y)

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2.5 4 5.5 7 8.5 10 11.5

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

1 3.5 6 8.5 11 13.5 16 18.5

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22

  • Description:
    The usage example consists of two input voltages referenced to ground and a current source output with two floating nodes.

Example SPICE Usage:

atab inx iny %id(out1 out2) tabmod

.model tabmod table2d (offset=0.0 gain=1 order=3 file="table-simple.txt")

3D table model


C_Function_Name: cm_table3D

Spice_Model_Name: table3D

Description: "3D table model"


Port_Name: inx iny inz

Description: "inputx" "inputy" "inputz"

Direction: in in in

Default_Type: v v v

Allowed_Types: [v,vd,i,id,vnam] [v,vd,i,id,vnam] [v,vd,i,id,vnam]

Vector: no no no

Vector_Bounds: - - -

Null_Allowed: no no no


Port_Name: out

Description: "output"

Direction: out

Default_Type: i

Allowed_Types: [v,vd,i,id]

Vector: no

Vector_Bounds: -

Null_Allowed: no


Parameter_Name: order verbose

Description: "order" "verbose"

Data_Type: int int

Default_Value: 3 0

Limits: - -

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: offset gain

Description: "offset" "gain"

Data_Type: real real

Default_Value: 0.0 1.0

Limits: - -

Vector: no no

Vector_Bounds: - -

Null_Allowed: yes yes


Parameter_Name: file

Description: "file name"

Data_Type: string

Default_Value: "3D-table-model.txt"

Limits: -

Vector: no

Vector_Bounds: -

Null_Allowed: yes

  • Description:
    The 3D table model reads a matrix from file "file name" (default 3D-table-model.txt) which has x columns, y rows per table and z tables. Each x,y,z triple, addressed by inx, iny, and inz, yields an output value out. Linear interpolation is used for out, eno (essentially non oscillating) interpolation for its derivatives. Parameters offset (default 0) and gain (default 1) modify the output table values according to (offset + gain out). Parameter order (default 3) influences the calculation of the derivatives. Parameter verbose (default 0) yields test outputs, if set to 1 or 2. The table format is shown below. Be careful to include the data point inx = 0, iny = 0, inz = 0 into your table, because ngspice needs these to for the .OP calculation. The x horizontal, y vertical, and z table address values have to increase monotonically.

Table Example:

* 3D table for nmos bsim 4, W=10um, L=0.13um







*x (drain voltage)

-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 ...

*y (gate voltage)

-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 ...

*z (substrate voltage)

-1.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2

*table -1.8

-4.50688E-10 -4.50613E-10 -4.50601E-10 -4.50599E-10 ...

-4.49622E-10 -4.49267E-10 -4.4921E-10 -4.49202E-10 ...

-4.50672E-10 -4.49099E-10 -4.48838E-10 -4.48795E-10 ...

-4.55575E-10 -4.4953E-10 -4.48435E-10 -4.48217E-10 ...


*table -1.6

-3.10015E-10 -3.09767E-10 -3.0973E-10 -3.09724E-10 ...

-3.09748E-10 -3.08524E-10 -3.08339E-10 -3.08312E-10 ...


*table -1.4

-2.04848E-10 -2.04008E-10 -2.03882E-10 ...

-2.07275E-10 -2.03117E-10 -2.02491E-10 ...


  • Description:
    The usage example simulates a NMOS transistor with independent drain, gate and bulk nodes, referenced to source. Parameter gain may be used to emulate transistor width, with respect to the table transistor.

Example SPICE Usage:

amos1 %vd(d s) %vd(g s) %vd(b s) %id(d s) mostable1

.model mostable1 table3d (offset=0.0 gain=0.5 order=3

+ verbose=1 file="table-3D-bsim4n.txt")