Capacitance Meter
C_Function_Name: cm_cmeter
Spice_Model_Name: cmeter
Description: "capacitance meter"
Port Name: in out
Description: "input" "output"
Direction: in out
Default_Type: v v
Allowed_Types: [v,vd,i,id] [v,vd,i,id]
Vector: no no
Vector_Bounds: - -
Null_Allowed: no no
Parameter_Name: gain
Description: "gain"
Data_Type: real
Default_Value: 1.0
Limits: -
Vector: no
Vector_Bounds: -
Null_Allowed: yes
- Description:
The capacitance meter is a sensing device that is attached to a circuit node and produces as an output a scaled value equal to the total capacitance seen on its input multiplied by the gain parameter. This model is primarily intended as a building block for other models that must sense a capacitance value and alter their behavior based upon it.
Example SPICE Usage:
atest1 1 2 ctest
.model ctest cmeter(gain=1.0e12)