Snload*: Load the snapshot file
General Form:
snload circuit-file file
snload reads the snapshot file generated by snsave (17.5.74). circuit-file is the original circuit input file. After reading, the simulation may be continued by resume (17.5.57).
An input script for loading circuit and intermediate data, resuming simulation and plotting is shown below:
Typical usage:
* script to reload circuit and continue the simulation
* begin with editing the file location
* to be started with 'ngspice adder_snload.script'
* cd to where all files are located
cd D:\Spice_general\ngspice\examples\snapshot
* load circuit and snpashot file
snload adder_mos_circ.cir adder500.snap
* continue simulation
* plot some node voltages
plot v(10) v(11) v(12)
Due to a bug we currently need the term 'script' in the title line (first line) of the script.