Setplot: Switch the current set of vectors
General Form:
setplot [plotname]
setplot previous
setplot next
setplot new
Set the current plot to the plot with the given name, or if no name is given, prompt the user with a list of all plots generated so far. (Note that the plots are named as they are loaded, with names like tran1 or op2. These names are shown by the setplot and display commands and are used by diff, below.) If the `New' item is selected, a new plot is generated that has no vectors defined.
Note that here the word plot refers to a group of vectors that are the result of one ngspice run. When more than one file is loaded in, or more than one plot is present in one file, ngspice keeps them separate and only shows you the vectors in the current plot with the display (17.5.21) command. setplot previous will show the previous plot in the plot list, if available, setplot next the next plot. If not avaialble, a warning is issued and the current plot stays active.