Pre_<command>: execute commands prior to parsing the circuit

General Form:


All commands in a .control ... .endc section are executed after the circuit has been parsed. If you need command execution before circuit parsing, you may add these commands to the general spinit or local .spiceinit files. Another possibility is adding a leading pre_ to a command within the .control section of an ordinary input file, which forces the command to be executed before circuit parsing. Basically <command> may be any command listed in Chapt. 17.5, however only a few commands are indeed useful here. Some examples are given below:


pre_unset ngdebug
pre_set strict_errorhandling

pre_<command> is available only in the .control mode (see 16.4.3), not in interactive mode, where the user may determine herself when a circuit is to be parsed, using the source command (17.5.75) .