Plot: Plot vectors on the display
General Form:
plot exprs [ylimit ylo yhi] [xlimit xlo xhi] [xindices xilo xihi]
[xcompress comp] [xdelta xdel] [ydelta ydel]
[xlog] [ylog] [loglog] [nogrid] [vs xname_expr]
[linplot] [combplot] [pointplot] [nointerp] [noretraceplot]
[xlabel word] [ylabel word] [title word] [samep] [linear]
Plot the given vectors or exprs on the screen (if you are on a graphics terminal). The xlimit and ylimit arguments determine the high and low x- and y-limits of the axes, respectively. The xindices arguments determine what range of points are to be plotted - everything between the xilo'th point and the xihi'th point is plotted. The xcompress argument specifies that only one out of every comp points should be plotted. If an xdelta or a ydelta parameter is present, it specifies the spacing between grid lines on the X- and Y-axis. These parameter names may be abbreviated to xl, yl, xind, xcomp, xdel, and ydel respectively.
The xname_expr argument is an expression to use as the scale on the x-axis. If xlog or ylog are present then the X or Y scale, respectively, are logarithmic (loglog is the same as specifying both). The xlabel and ylabel arguments cause the specified labels to be used for the X and Y axes, respectively.
If samep is given, the values of the other parameters (other than xname_expr) from the previous plot, hardcopy, or asciiplot command are used unless re-defined on the command line.
The title argument is used in the headline of the plot window and replaces the default text, which is `actual plot: first line of input file'.
The linear keyword is used to override a default logscale plot (as in the output for an AC analysis).
The keywords linplot, combplot and pointplot select different plot styles. The keyword nointerp turns off interpolation of the vector data, nogrid suppresses the drawing of gridlines, and noretraceplot may be helpful in some cases where the plot generates an unwanted visible trace from one line's end point to the start point of the next line.
Finally, the keyword polar generates a polar plot. To produce a smith plot, use the keyword smith. Note that the data is transformed, so for smith plots you will see the data transformed by the function (x-1)/(x+1). To produce a polar plot with a smith grid but without performing the smith transform, use the keyword smithgrid.
If you specify plot all, all vectors (including the scale vector) are plotted versus the scale vector (see commands display (17.5.21) or setscale (17.5.66) on viewing the vectors of the current plot). The command plot ally will not plot the scale vector, but all other 'real' y values. The command plot alli selects all current vectors, the command plot allv all voltage vectors.
If the vector name to be plotted contains - , / or other tokens that may be taken for operators of an expression, and plotting fails, try enclosing the name in double quotes, e.g. plot “/vout”.
Plotting of complex vectors, as may occur after an ac simulation, requires special considerations. Please see Chapt. 17.5.1 for details.