Devhelp: information on available devices
General Form:
devhelp [[-csv] device_name [parameter]]
Devhelp command shows the user information about the devices available in the simulator. If called without arguments, it simply displays the list of available devices in the simulator. The name of the device is the name used inside the simulator to access that device. If the user specifies a device name, then all the parameters of that device (model and instance parameters) will be printed. Parameter description includes the internal ID of the parameter (id#), the name used in the model card or on the instance line (Name), the direction (Dir) and the description of the parameter (Description). All the fields are self-explanatory, except the `direction'. Direction can be in, out or inout and corresponds to a `write-only', `read-only' or a `read/write' parameter. Read-only parameters can be read but not set, write only can be set but not read and read/write can be both set and read by the user.
The -csv option prints the fields separated by a comma, for direct import into a spreadsheet. This option is used to generate the simulator documentation.
devhelp resistor
devhelp capacitor ic