XSPICE Code Models
In the previous example, the specification of the amplifier was accomplished by using a NGSPICE Voltage Controlled Voltage Source device. This is an idealization of the actual amplifier. Practical amplifiers include numerous non-ideal effects, such as offset error voltages and non-ideal input and output impedances. The accurate simulation of complex, real-world components can lead to cumbersome subcircuit files, long simulation run times, and difficulties in synthesizing the behavior to be modeled from a limited set of internal devices known to the simulator.
To address these problems, XSPICE allows you to create Code Models that simulate complex, non-ideal effects without the need to develop a subcircuit design. For example, the following file provides simulation of the circuit in Fig. 26.2, but with the subcircuit amplifier replaced with a Code Model called `Amp' that models several non-ideal effects including input and output impedance and input offset voltage.
Small Signal Amplifier
* This circuit simulates a small signal amplifier
* with a diode limiter.
.dc Vin -1 1 .05
Vin Input 0 DC 0
R_source Input Amp_In 100
D_Neg 0 Amp_In 1n4148
D_Pos Amp_In 0 1n4148
C1 Amp_In 0 1uF
A1 Amp_In 0 Amp_Out Amplifier
R_Load Amp_Out 0 1000
.model 1n4148 D (is=2.495e-09 rs=4.755e-01 n=1.679e+00
+ tt=3.030e-09 cjo=1.700e-12 vj=1 m=1.959e-01 bv=1.000e+02
+ ibv=1.000e-04)
.model Amplifier Amp (gain = -10 in_offset = 1e-3
+ rin = 1meg rout = 0.4)
A statement with a device label beginning with `A' alerts the simulator that the device uses a Code Model. The model statement is similar in form to the one used to specify the diode. The model label `Amp' directs XSPICE to use the code model with that name. Parameter information has been added to specify a gain of -10, an input offset of 1 millivolt, an input impedance of 1 meg ohm, and an output impedance of 0.4 ohm. Subsequent sections of this document detail the steps required to create such a Code Model and include it in the XSPICE simulator.