Models and Subcircuits
The file discussed in the previous section illustrated the most basic syntax rules of a circuit description file. However, ngspice (and other SPICE-based simulators) include many other features that allow for accurate modeling of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors and for grouping elements of a circuit into a macro or `subcircuit' description that can be reused throughout a circuit description. For instance, the file shown below is a representation of the schematic shown in Fig. 26.2.
Examples for control of a behavioral resistor:
Small Signal Amplifier with Limit Diodes
* This circuit simulates a small signal amplifier
* with a diode limiter.
.dc Vin -1 1 .05
Vin Input 0 DC 0
R_source Input Amp_In 100
D_Neg 0 Amp_In 1n4148
D_Pos Amp_In 0 1n4148
C1 Amp_In 0 1uF
X1 Amp_In 0 Amp_Out Amplifier
R_Load Amp_Out 0 1000
.model 1n4148 D (is=2.495e-09 rs=4.755e-01 n=1.679e+00
+ tt=3.030e-09 cjo=1.700e-12 vj=1 m=1.959e-01 bv=1.000e+02
+ ibv=1.000e-04)
.subckt Amplifier Input Common Output
E1 (Output Common) (Input Common) -10
R_Input Input Common 1meg
.ends Amplifier
Figure 26.2: Example Circuit 2
This is the same basic circuit as in the initial example, with the addition of two components and some changes to the simulation file. The two diodes have been included to illustrate the use of device models, and the amplifier is implemented with a subcircuit. Additionally, this file shows the use of the swept DC control card.