Running the simulation

Copy (w)asco.exe, (w)asco-mpi.exe and ngspice_c.exe (console executable of ngspice) into the directory, and run

$ asco -ngspice amp3

or alternatively (if MPICH is installed)

$ mpiexec -n 7 asco-mpi -ngspice amp3

The following graph 23.1 shows the acceleration of the optimization simulation on a multi-core processor (i7 with 4 real or 8 virtual cores), 500 generations, if -n is varied. Speed is tripled, a mere 15 min suffices to optimize 21 parameters of the amplifier.

image: 8_home_nmg_Documents_gitroot_ngspice-ngspice-manuals_Images_optim-speed.png Figure 23.1: Optimization speed