ngspice optimizer using ASCO
The ASCO optimizer, developed by Joao Ramos, also applies the 'differential evolution' algorithm [21]. An enhanced version, adding ngspice as a simulation engine, may be downloaded here (7z archive format). Included are executable files (asco, asco-mpi, ngspice-c for MS Windows). The source code should also compile and function under Linux (not yet tested).
ASCO is a standalone executable, which communicates with ngspice via ngspice input and output files. Several optimization examples, originally provided by J. Ramos for other simulators, are prepared for use with ngspice. Parallel processing on a multi-core computer has been tested using MPI (MPICH2) under MS Windows. A processor network will be supported as well. A MS Windows console application ngspice_c.exe is included in the archive. Several stand alone tools are provided, but not tested yet.
Setting up an optimization project with ASCO requires advanced know-how of using ngspice. There are several sources of information. First of all the examples provided with the distribution give hints how to start with ASCO. The original ASCO manual is provided as well, or is available here. It elaborates on the examples, using a commercial simulator, and provides a detailed description how to set up ASCO. Installation of ASCO and MPI (under Windows) is described in a file INSTALL.
Some remarks on how to set up ASCO for ngspice are given in the following sections (more to be added). These a meant not as a complete description, but are an addition the the ASCO manual.