Initial conditions

Two different forms of initial conditions may be specified for some devices. The first form is included to improve the dc convergence for circuits that contain more than one stable state. If a device is specified OFF, the dc operating point is determined with the terminal voltages for that device set to zero. After convergence is obtained, the program continues to iterate to obtain the exact value for the terminal voltages. If a circuit has more than one dc stable state, the OFF option can be used to force the solution to correspond to a desired state. If a device is specified OFF when in reality the device is conducting, the program still obtains the correct solution (assuming the solutions converge) but more iterations are required since the program must independently converge to two separate solutions.

The .NODESET control line (see Chapt. 15.2.1) serves a similar purpose as the OFF option. The .NODESET option is easier to apply and is the preferred means to aid convergence. The second form of initial conditions are specified for use with the transient analysis. These are true `initial conditions' as opposed to the convergence aids above. See the description of the .IC control line (Chapt. 15.2.2) and the .TRAN control line (Chapt. 15.3.9) for a detailed explanation of initial conditions.