Resistors, dependent on expressions (behavioral resistor)
General form:
RXXXXXXX n+ n- R = 'expression' <tc1=value> <tc2=value> <noisy=0>
RXXXXXXX n+ n- 'expression' <tc1=value> <tc2=value> <noisy=0>
R1 rr 0 r = 'V(rr) < {Vt} ? {R0} : {2*R0}' tc1=2e-03 tc2=3.3e-06
R2 r2 rr r = {5k + 50*TEMPER}
.param rp1 = 20
R3 no1 no2 r = '5k * rp1' noisy=1
Expression may be an equation or an expression containing node voltages or branch currents (in the form of i(vm)) and any other terms as given for the B source and described in Chapt. 5.1. It may contain parameters (2.8.1) and the special variables time, temper, and hertz (5.1.2). An example file is given below. Small signal noise in the resistor (15.3.4) may be evaluated as white noise, depending on resistance, temperature and tc1, tc2. To enable noise calculation, add the flag noisy=1 to the instance line. As a default the behavioral resistor is noiseless.
Example input file for non-linear resistor:
Non-linear resistor
.param R0=1k Vi=1 Vt=0.5
* resistor depending on control voltage V(rr)
R1 rr 0 r = 'V(rr) < {Vt} ? {R0} : {2*R0}'
* control voltage
V1 rr 0 PWL(0 0 100u {Vi})
unset askquit
tran 100n 100u uic
plot i(V1)