General form:

.SUBCKT subnam N1 <N2 N3 ...>



A circuit definition is begun with a .SUBCKT line. subnam is the subcircuit name, and N1, N2, ... are the external nodes, which cannot be zero. The group of element lines that immediately follow the .SUBCKT line define the subcircuit. The last line in a subcircuit definition is the .ENDS line (see below). Control lines may not appear within a subcircuit definition; however, subcircuit definitions may contain anything else, including other subcircuit definitions, device models, and subcircuit calls (see below). Note that any device models or subcircuit definitions included as part of a subcircuit definition are strictly local (i.e., such models and definitions are not known outside the subcircuit definition). Also, any element nodes not included on the .SUBCKT line are strictly local, with the exception of 0 (ground) that is always global. If you use parameters, the .SUBCKT line will be extended (see 2.8.3).