Subcircuit parameters

General form:

.subckt <identn> node node ...  <ident>=<value> <ident>=<value> ...


.subckt myfilter in out rval=100k cval=100nF

<identn> is the name of the subcircuit given by the user.** node** is an integer number or an identifier, for one of the external nodes. The first <ident>=<value> introduces an optional section of the line. Each <ident> is a formal parameter, and each <value> is either a SPICE number or a brace expression. Inside the .subckt ... .ends context, each formal parameter may be used like any identifier that was defined on a .param control line. The <value> parts are supposed to be default values of the parameters. However, in the current version of , they are not used and each invocation of the subcircuit must supply the _exact_ number of actual parameters.

The syntax of a subcircuit call (invocation) is:

General form:

X<name> node node ... <identn> <ident>=<value> <ident>=<value> ...


X1 input output myfilter rval=1k cval=1n

Here <name> is the symbolic name given to that instance of the subcircuit, <identn> is the name of a subcircuit defined beforehand. node node ... is the list of actual nodes where the subcircuit is connected. <value> is either a SPICE number or a brace expression { <expr> } . The sequence of <value> items on the X line must exactly match the number and the order of formal parameters of the subcircuit.

Subcircuit example with parameters:

* Param-example 
.param amplitude= 1V
.subckt myfilter in out rval=100k  cval=100nF 
Ra in p1   {2*rval} 
Rb p1 out  {2*rval} 
C1 p1 0    {2*cval} 
Ca in p2   {cval} 
Cb p2 out  {cval} 
R1 p2 0    {rval} 
.ends myfilter
X1 input output myfilter rval=1k cval=1n 
V1 input 0 AC {amplitude}