General Options

  • ACCT
    causes accounting and run time statistics to be printed.
    no printing of statistics, no printing of the Initial Transient Solution.
    suppresses only printing of the Initial Transient Solution, maybe combined with ACCT.
  • LIST
    causes the summary listing of the input data to be printed.
    suppresses the printout of the model parameters.
    suppresses page ejects.
  • NODE
    causes the printing of the node table.
  • OPTS
    causes the option values to be printed.
  • SEED=val|random
    Sets the seed value of the random number generator. val may be any integer number greater than 0. As an alternative random will set the seed value to the time in seconds since 1.1.1970.
    will print the seed value when it has been set to a new integer number.
  • TEMP=x
    Resets the operating temperature of the circuit. The default value is 27 (C) (300K). TEMP can be overridden per device by a temperature specification on any temperature dependent instance. May also be generally overridden by a .TEMP card (2.11).
  • TNOM=x
    resets the nominal temperature at which device parameters are measured. The default value is 27 (C) (300 deg K). TNOM can be overridden by a specification on any temperature dependent device model.
  • WARN=1|0
    enables or turns of SOA (Safe Operating Area) voltage warning messages (default: 0).
    specifies the maximum number of SOA (Safe Operating Area) warning messages per model (default: 5).
    save currents through all terminals of the following devices: M, J, Q, D, R, C, L, B, F, G, W, S, I (see 2.1.2). Recommended only for small circuits, because otherwise memory requirements explode and simulation speed suffers. See 15.7 for more details.