Trig Targ
.measure according to general form 1 measures the difference in dc voltage, frequency or time between two points selected from one or two output vectors. The current examples all are using transient simulation. Measurements for tran analysis start after a delay time td. If you run other examples with ac simulation or spectrum analysis, time may be replaced by frequency, after a dc simulation the independent variable may become a voltage or current.
General form 1:
.MEASURE {DC|AC|TRAN|SP} result TRIG trig_variable VAL=val
+ <FALL=# | FALL=LAST> <TRIG AT=time> TARG targ_variable
+ VAL=val <TD=td> <CROSS=# | CROSS=LAST> <RISE=# |
Measure statement example (for use in the input file given above):
.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=2
measures the time difference between v(1) reaching 0.5 V for the first time on its first rising slope (TRIG) versus reaching 0.5 V again on its second rising slope (TARG), i.e. it measures the signal period.
tdiff = 1.000000e-003 targ= 1.083343e-003 trig= 8.334295e-005
Measure statement example:
.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=3
measures the time difference between v(1) reaching 0.5 V for the first time on its rising slope versus reaching 0.5 V on its rising slope for the third time (i.e. two periods).
Measure statement:
.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 FALL=1
measures the time difference between v(1) reaching 0.5V for the first time on its rising slope versus reaching 0.5 V on its first falling slope.
Measure statement:
.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0 FALL=3 TARG v(2) VAL=0 FALL=3
measures the time difference between v(1) reaching 0V its third falling slope versus v(2) reaching 0 V on its third falling slope.
Measure statement:
.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=-0.6 CROSS=1 TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=1
measures the time difference between v(1) crossing -0.6 V for the first time (any slope) versus v(2) crossing -0.8 V for the first time (any slope).
Measure statement:
.measure tran tdiff TRIG AT=1m TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=3
measures the time difference between the time point 1ms versus the time when v(2) crosses -0.8 V for the third time (any slope).