In the following lines you will get some explanation on the .measure commands. A simple simulation file with two sines of different frequencies may serve as an example. The transient simulation delivers time as the independent variable and two voltages as output (dependent variables).
Input file:
File: simple-meas-tran.sp
* Simple .measure examples
* transient simulation of two sine
* signals with different frequencies
vac1 1 0 DC 0 sin(0 1 1k 0 0)
vac2 2 0 DC 0 sin(0 1.2 0.9k 0 0)
.tran 10u 5m
.measure tran ... $ for the different inputs see below!
plot v(1) v(2)
After displaying the general syntax of the .measure statement, some examples are posted, referring to the input file given above.