batch versus interactive mode

.meas analysis may not be used in batch mode (-b command line option), if an output file (rawfile) is given at the same time (-r rawfile command line option). In this batch mode ngspice will write its simulation output data directly to the output file. The data is not kept in memory, thus is no longer available for further analysis. This is made to allow a very large output stream with only a relatively small memory usage. For .meas to be active you need to run the batch mode with a .plot or .print command. A better alternative may be to start ngspice in interactive mode.

If you need batch like operation, you may add a .control ... .endc section to the input file:


*input file
.tran 1ns 1000ns
write outputfile data 

and start ngspice in interactive mode, e.g. by running the command

ngspice inputfile .

.meas<ure> then prints its user-defined data analysis to the standard output. The analysis includes propagation, delay, rise time, fall time, peak-to-peak voltage, minimum or maximum voltage, the integral or derivative over a specified period and several other user defined values.