Transient noise analysis (at low frequency)
In contrast to the analysis types described above the transient noise simulation (noise current or voltage versus time) is not implemented as a dot command, but is integrated with the independent voltage source vsrc (isrc not yet available) (see 4.1.7) and used in combination with the .tran transient analysis (15.3.9).
Transient noise analysis deals with noise currents or voltages added to your circuits as a time dependent signal of randomly generated voltage excursion on top of a fixed dc voltage. The sequence of voltage values has random amplitude, but equidistant time intervals, selectable by the user (parameter NT). The resulting voltage waveform is differentiable and thus does not require any modifications of the matrix solving algorithms.
White noise is generated by the ngspice random number generator, applying the Box-Muller transform. Values are generated on the fly, each time when a breakpoint is hit.
The 1/f noise is generated with an algorithm provided by N. J. Kasdin (`Discrete simulation of colored noise and stochastic processes and (1/f^{a}) power law noise generation', Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 83, Issue 5, May 1995 Page(s):802–827). The noise sequence (one for each voltage/current source with 1/f selected) is generated upon start up of the simulator and stored for later use. The number of points is determined by the total simulation time divided by NT, rounded up the the nearest power of 2. Each time a breakpoint ((n\bigstar NT), relevant to the noise signal) is hit, the next value is retrieved from the sequence.
If you want a random, but reproducible sequence, you may select a seed value for the random number generator by adding
setseed nn
to the spinit or .spiceinit file, nn being a positive integer number.
The transient noise analysis will allow the simulation of the three most important noise sources. Thermal noise is described by the Gaussian white noise. Flicker noise (pink noise or 1 over f noise) with an exponent between 0 and 2 is provided as well. Shot noise is dependent on the current flowing through a device and may be simulated by applying a non-linear source as demonstrated in the following example:
* Shot noise test with B source, diode
* voltage on device (diode, forward)
Vdev out 0 DC 0 PULSE(0.4 0.45 10u)
* diode, forward direction, to be modeled with noise
D1 mess 0 DMOD
.model DMOD D IS=1e-14 N=1
X1 0 mess out ishot
* device between 1 and 2
* new output terminals of device including noise: 1 and 3
.subckt ishot 1 2 3
* white noise source with rms 1V
* 20000 sample points
VNG 0 11 DC 0 TRNOISE(1 1n 0 0)
*measure the current i(v1)
V1 2 3 DC 0
* calculate the shot noise
* sqrt(2*current*q*bandwidth)
BI 1 3 I=sqrt(2*abs(i(v1))*1.6e-19*1e7)*v(11)
.ends ishot
.tran 1n 20u
plot (-1)*i(vdev)
The selection of the delta time step (NT) is worth discussing. Gaussian white noise has unlimited bandwidth and thus unlimited energy content. This is unrealistic. The bandwidth of real noise is limited, but it is still called `White' if it is the same level throughout the frequency range of interest, e.g. the bandwidth of your system. Thus you may select NT to be a factor of 10 smaller than the frequency limit of your circuit. A thorough analysis is still needed to clarify the appropriate factor. The transient method is probably most suited to circuits including switches, which are not amenable to the small signal .NOISE analysis (Chapt. 15.3.4).
There is a price you have to pay for transient noise analysis: the number of required time steps, and thus the simulation time, increases.
In addition to white and 1/f noise the independent voltage and current sources offer a random telegraph signal (RTS) noise source, also known as burst noise or popcorn noise, again for transient analysis. For each voltage (current) source offering RTS noise an individual noise amplitude is required for input, as well as a mean capture time and a mean emission time. The amplitude resembles the influence of a single trap on the current or voltage. The capture and emission times emulate the filling and emptying of the trap, typically following a Poisson process. They are generated from an random exponential distribution with respective mean values given by the user. To simulate an ensemble of traps, you may combine several current or voltage sources with different parameters.
All three sources (white, 1/f, and RTS) may be combined in a single command line.
RTS noise example:
* white noise, 1/f noise, RTS noise
* voltage source
VRTS2 13 12 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 5m 18u 30u)
VRTS3 11 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 10m 20u 40u)
VALL 12 11 DC 0 trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m 15m 22u 50u)
VW1of 21 0 DC trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m)
* current source
IRTS2 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 5m 18u 30u)
IRTS3 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 10m 20u 40u)
IALL 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m 15m 22u 50u)
R10 10 0 1
IW1of 9 0 DC trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m)
Rall 9 0 1
* sample points
.tran 1u 500u
plot v(13) v(21)
plot v(10) v(9)
Some details on RTS noise modeling are available in a recent article [20], available here.
This transient noise feature is still experimental.
The following questions (among others) are to be solved:
- clarify the theoretical background
- noise limit of plain ngspice (numerical solver, fft etc.)
- time step (NT) selection
- calibration of noise spectral density
- how to generate noise from a transistor model
- application benefits and limits